Everything you want to know about the 70-554 exam

Q. What is the 70-554 -CSHARP/VB exam?

A. Microsoft’s 70-554 -CSHARP/VB exam is designed to test your knowledge of the Enterprise Application Developer. The 70-554 exam measures your skills that include developing and implementing distributed applications by using ASP.NET, and the Microsoft .NET Framework with CSHARP. The exam measures your knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and the new features of ASP.NET 2.0, developing and designing Enterprise applications, designing and developing a user interface, designing and developing a component, designing and developing an application framework, deploying and supporting an application, and testing and stabilizing an application.
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Things to practice for CompTIA test BR0-002

The technology community identifies CompTIA Network+ as the perfect entry into a networking career. Top technology companies recognize CompTIA Network+ as part of their certification track. Many other corporations recommend or require the CompTIA Network+ certification for their IT employees. The CompTIA Bridge test BR0-002 Network+ 2009 is intended to certify networking technicians who have at least nine months of experience in network support or administration or adequate academic training, along with a CompTIA A+ certification; however, this is not the pre-requisite. To appear in Bridge test BR0-002, a candidate must hold the Network+ certification under the previous version. Attaining the Network+ certification indicates that you know how to configure and install a TCP/IP client on the network.
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Quick FAQs to learn more about 70-551 (CSHARP)

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-551 (CSHARP)?

A: This exam is meant for those candidates who have achieved MCAD certification. Microsoft recommends you to have a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and new features of ASP.NET 2.0. You should also have at least two years of experience developing applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Q: Which programming languages can you choose for this exam?

A: You can choose the Microsoft Visual C# 2005 programming language for this exam. Other programming language is Microsoft Visual Basic 2005.
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Things to practice for Microsoft test 70-551

The Microsoft test 70-551 is designed to measure an individual’s ability to build interactive, data-driven Web-based applications with Web forms, ASP.NET, and the .NET Framework for both intranet and Internet uses. Before taking the 70-551 test, you should practice the following:

  1. Develop .NET Framework applications by using system types.
  2. Improve type safety and application performance by using generic collections.
  3. Develop .NET Framework applications by implementing interfaces that comply with standard contracts.
  4. Embed configuration management functionality into .NET applications.
  5. Debug and trace .NET Framework applications by using the System.Diagnostics namespace.
  6. Continue reading “Things to practice for Microsoft test 70-551”

Everything you want to know about 70-551-VB

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-551 (VB)?

A: This exam is meant for those candidates who have achieved MCAD certification. Microsoft recommends you to have a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and new features of ASP.NET 2.0. You should also have at least two years of experience developing applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Q: Which programming languages can you choose for this exam?

A: You can choose the Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 programming language for this exam. Other programming language is Microsoft C# 2005.

Q: What credit does it provide?

A: This exam is a Professional Developer Upgrade exam for those candidates who have already achieved the MCAD certification. After passing the exam, you will achieve the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. This exam credits you towards the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer certification. You will also automatically become the MCTS: .NET 2.0 Web Applications certification.
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